Milia removal

Removal of Milia using advanced electrolysis


Milia are small, white cysts on your face, that can have a pearly appearance. Milia are harmless but can be stubborn. You may be tempted to pick at or pop the milia. This irritation may only make it worse and cause complications. Picking at the skin around the milia can lead to scarring or an infection.

Advanced electrolysis is one of the most effective treatments available for permanent milia removal. Electrolysis has been used for more than 100 years to treat problems such as broken capillaries, spider naevi, milia and skin tags. It is a simple and safe technique used to successfully remove, visibly reduce and improve the appearance of unwanted skin blemishes, offering effective results.

We use a fine probe to send a current into the milia. This current breaks down the fatty tissue (or keratin build-up).  We then leave the treated milia, which will naturally disappear over a few days but can take up to 14 days. . All treatments are performed by a fully insured and licensed therapist with over 20 years experience

5-15 minutes

Please note: All clients are required to complete and sign our consultation form. Please check the form below. If you answer yes to any of the questions, please contact us prior to your appointment, to ensure your treatment can go ahead as planned.

For your convenience you can download the form here and complete it prior to your appointment.